
Interested in writing for Lead Pipe? We’re calling for submissions.

Do you have an idea, experience, or perspective that will contribute to library literature and conversations? If so, we want to hear from you. The Editorial Board of In the Library with the Lead Pipe is actively seeking submissions from all library viewpoints for consideration for publication in this journal.

Lead Pipe is an open access, open peer reviewed journal, and we strive to publish content spanning all aspects of librarianship. The majority of article proposals we receive tend to come from librarians in academic library contexts, but we want to widen our representation. Therefore, we’d particularly like to invite library workers at any level with public, school, and special library perspectives, as well as folks who work in archives and other arenas beyond librarianship (such as galleries and museums), to consider proposing your article ideas for publication here.

If you’d like more information about our submissions and publication process, check out our submissions guidelines. And if you’d like to chat about your ideas and Lead Pipe as a potential venue to share them, note that several of our editorial board members will be at the upcoming ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. We’d love to hear what you’re thinking in terms of article proposals. You can tweet at us to find a time and place to meet up:

Keep an eye on the Lead Pipe Twitter feed to find out about times we’ll pop up to talk to potential authors. Or look for our buttons with the Lead Pipe logo that we’ll be wearing throughout the conference. We look forward to hearing the great article ideas you’ve been considering!

1 Response

  1. I was wonder if there has been any discussion about public university systems that exclude the public from full access to its resources, although in theory the public is paying for the university via taxes?