Stories of 2011: One Person’s (My) Adventures in Growing a New Academic Library
by Kim Leeder It’s official: we’ve entered the holiday season. Thanksgiving (and Black Friday) are safely behind us and the party invitations are beginning to roll in. It’s the time of year when we work perhaps a little less hard, reconnect with friends and family, indulge in good food and drink, and wait for the... Read More
by Kim Leeder and Editorial Board Introduction Over the past few months, several of us at Lead Pipe have been watching the Occupy Wall Street movement with interest. How does one protest something that seems to be part of the foundation of a culture? And when a foundational institution benefits only a small subset of... Read More
(The Universal Interrogative Participle)* is going on with the Authors Guild?
* by Emily Ford The Authors Guild won’t give up. Their settlement agreement with Google Books was rejected by Judge Chin on March 22nd and will now be going to trial. But that’s not enough for the Authors Guild. The organization seems bound and determined for copyright legislation to occur, and for that legislation to... Read More
by Brett Bonfield For new library school graduates, or for more seasoned librarians ready for a change, entering the job market can be an intimidating, frustrating experience. We hear that there are no jobs available, and that the few libraries that do advertise new openings are inundated with applications. Perhaps less publicly, we also hear... Read More
Editorial: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
By Editorial Board, Ellie Collier and Brett Bonfield We at Lead Pipe have had so much going on with us individually and as a collective that we wanted to take a post and share with you what’s new with us. In the Library with the Lead Pipe Almost 3 years old! Lead Pipe has gone... Read More
by Karen Munro The New Status Quo Inside and outside of libraries, everybody is nervous about change. We use terms like “disruptive change” and “tipping point” to talk about the fear that we are traveling into a world where we can’t continue to do what we’ve always done. Some people think we’ve already passed that... Read More
Leading with Heart
by Eric Frierson Introduction There are sections of the bookstore many people don’t want to be seen in. For me, it’s the business section. Every time I’m scanning the spines of new titles on leadership, innovation and management, I feel a little nervous that someone’s going to jump out of the photography section and call... Read More
by Gretchen Kolderup I’m a young adult librarian, but I didn’t read young adult lit when I was a teen myself. I was a precocious reader and desperate to be treated like a grown-up, so I read books for grown-ups because anything else was just too puerile for someone as obviously mature and sophisticated as... Read More
This is the second in a two-part series on librarian collaboration with faculty. Part 1, published on April 7, 2011, presents a five-step program for building collaborative relationships, while Part 2 addresses specific examples and strategies for collaboration. by Kim Leeder I. What we talk about when we talk about collaboration On April 7, 2011,... Read More
by Emily Ford Introduction If you work in a library, chances are you’ve seen or heard calls for you to become a library legislative advocate. You may have seen e-mails asking you to fill out a web form asking legislators to continue funding LSTA, or you may have recently seen e-mails about USA PATRIOT Act... Read More