Engaging in Toponymic Justice: Proactively Naming The Nishihara Family Classroom
by Natalia Fernández, Jane Nichols, and Diana Park In Brief Conversations about the memorial landscape, as well as commemorative and toponymic naming practices, have exploded... Read More
Breaking down hierarchies: Student-led peer information programs
This article will review the processes that two Student Success and Engagement Librarians undertook in order to embed social justice tenets into their management of peer consulting/teaching programs at two different institutions. While there has been much discussion of the reasons for and ways to implement peer consulting/teaching programs, less focus has been given to how to operate such programs from a place of equity and care. This is why two managing librarians worked collaboratively with student workers to embed social justice theories into a new and already existing peer consultation program. In this article, the authors will discuss not just what critical and justice theory was utilized to foster an environment of trust and engagement, but also how the programs operated day-to-day within such frameworks.
Librarians Leading Short-Term Study Abroad
In Brief: Study abroad is a well-established method for transformative learning, recognized by the American Association of Colleges and Universities as a high-impact practice. Over the... Read More
Who are you empowering?
In brief: As librarians we continue to grapple with our role in a world of digital information. The case has been made for an enthusiastic... Read More
Books Behind Bars: A Volunteer-run Prison Library Service in Winnipeg, Manitoba
In Brief: Beginning the summer of 2012, a group Canadian librarians in Winnipeg came together to discuss the lack of library services in the prison system... Read More